Vol 9, No 2 (2017)
- Year: 2017
- Published: 15.06.2017
- Articles: 10
- URL: https://actanaturae.ru/2075-8251/issue/view/829
At the Interface of Three Nucleic Acids: The Role of RNA-Binding Proteins and Poly(ADP-ribose) in DNA Repair
RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) regulate RNA metabolism, from synthesis to decay. When bound to RNA, RBPs act as guardians of the genome integrity at different levels, from DNA damage prevention to the post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression. Recently, RBPs have been shown to participate in DNA repair. This fact is of special interest as DNA repair pathways do not generally involve RNA. DNA damage in higher organisms triggers the formation of the RNA-like polymer - poly(ADP-ribose) (PAR). Nucleic acid-like properties allow PAR to recruit DNA- and RNA-binding proteins to the site of DNA damage. It is suggested that poly(ADP-ribose) and RBPs not only modulate the activities of DNA repair factors, but that they also play an important role in the formation of transient repairosome complexes in the nucleus. Cytoplasmic biomolecules are subjected to similar sorting during the formation of RNA assemblages by functionally related mRNAs and promiscuous RBPs. The Y-box-binding protein 1 (YB-1) is the major component of cytoplasmic RNA granules. Although YB-1 is a classic RNA-binding protein, it is now regarded as a non-canonical factor of DNA repair.

Glutamyl Endopeptidases: The Puzzle of Substrate Specificity
Glutamyl endopeptidases (GEPases) are chymotrypsin-like enzymes that preferentially cleave the peptide bonds of the α-carboxyl groups of glutamic acid. Despite the many years of research, the structural determinants underlying the strong substrate specificity of GEPases still remain unclear. In this review, data concerning the molecular mechanisms that determine the substrate preference of GEPases is generalized. In addition, the biological functions of and modern trends in the research into these enzymes are outlined.

Huntington’s Disease: Calcium Dyshomeostasis and Pathology Models
Huntington’s disease (HD) is a severe inherited neurodegenerative disorder characterized by motor dysfunction, cognitive decline, and mental impairment. At the molecular level, HD is caused by a mutation in the first exon of the gene encoding the huntingtin protein. The mutation results in an expanded polyglutamine tract at the N-terminus of the huntingtin protein, causing the neurodegenerative pathology. Calcium dyshomeostasis is believed to be one of the main causes of the disease, which underlies the great interest in the problem among experts in molecular physiology. Recent studies have focused on the development of animal and insect HD models, as well as patient-specific induced pluripotent stem cells (HD-iPSCs), to simulate the disease’s progression. Despite a sesquicentennial history of HD studies, the issues of diagnosis and manifestation of the disease have remained topical. The present review addresses these issues.

C2H2 Zinc Finger Proteins: The Largest but Poorly Explored Family of Higher Eukaryotic Transcription Factors
The emergence of whole-genome assays has initiated numerous genome-wide studies of transcription factor localizations at genomic regulatory elements (enhancers, promoters, silencers, and insulators), as well as facilitated the uncovering of some of the key principles of chromosomal organization. However, the proteins involved in the formation and maintenance of the chromosomal architecture and the organization of regulatory domains remain insufficiently studied. This review attempts to collate the available data on the abundant but still poorly understood family of proteins with clusters of the C2H2 zinc finger domains. One of the best known proteins of this family is a well conserved protein known as CTCF, which plays a key role in the establishment of the chromosomal architecture in vertebrates. The distinctive features of C2H2 zinc finger proteins include strong and specific binding to a long and unique DNA recognition target sequence and rapid expansion within various animal taxa during evolution. The reviewed data support a proposed model according to which many of the C2H2 proteins have functions that are similar to those of the CTCF in the organization of the chromatin architecture.

Research Articles
Structure Modeling of Human TyrosylDNA Phosphodiesterase 1 and Screening for Its Inhibitors
The DNA repair enzyme tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 1 (Tdp1) represents a potential molecular target for anticancer therapy. A human Tdp1 model has been constructed using the methods of quantum and molecular mechanics, taking into account the ionization states of the amino acid residues in the active site and their interactions with the substrate and competitive inhibitors. The oligonucleotide- and phosphotyrosine-binding cavities important for the inhibitor design have been identified in the enzyme’s active site. The developed molecular model allowed us to uncover new Tdp1 inhibitors whose sulfo group is capable of occupying the position of the 3’-phosphate group of the substrate and forming hydrogen bonds with Lys265, Lys495, and other amino acid residues in the phosphotyrosine binding site.

Dipole Modifiers Regulate Lipid Lateral Heterogeneity in Model Membranes
In this study we report on experimental observations of giant unilamellar liposomes composed of ternary mixtures of cholesterol (Chol), phospholipids with relatively low Tmelt (DOPC, POPC, or DPoPC) and high Tmelt (sphingomyelin (SM), or tetramyristoyl cardiolipin (TMCL)) and their phase behaviors in the presence and absence of dipole modifiers. It was shown that the ratios of liposomes exhibiting noticeable phase separation decrease in the series POPC, DOPC, DPoPC regardless of any high-Tmelt lipid. Substitution of SM for TMCL led to increased lipid phase segregation. Taking into account the fact that the first and second cases corresponded to a reduction in the thickness of the lipid domains enriched in low- and high-Tmelt lipids, respectively, our findings indicate that the phase behavior depends on thickness mismatch between the ordered and disordered domains. The dipole modifiers, flavonoids and styrylpyridinium dyes, reduced the phase segregation of membranes composed of SM, Chol, and POPC (or DOPC). The other ternary lipid mixtures tested were not affected by the addition of dipole modifiers. It is suggested that dipole modifiers address the hydrophobic mismatch through fluidization of the ordered and disordered domains. The ability of a modifier to partition into the membrane and fluidize the domains was dictated by the hydrophobicity of modifier molecules, their geometric shape, and the packing density of domain-forming lipids. Phloretin, RH 421, and RH 237 proved the most potent among all the modifiers examined.

Role of the Inserted α-Helical Domain in E. coli ATP-Dependent Lon Protease Function
Multidomain ATP-dependent Lon protease of E. coli (Ec-Lon) is one of the key enzymes of the quality control system of the cellular proteome. A recombinant form of Ec-Lon with deletion of the inserted characteristic α-helical HI(CC) domain (Lon-dHI(CC)) has been prepared and investigated to understand the role of this domain. A comparative study of the ATPase, proteolytic, and peptidase activities of the intact Lon protease and Lon-dHI(CC) has been carried out. The ability of the enzymes to undergo autolysis and their ability to bind DNA have been studied as well. It has been shown that the HI(CC) domain of Ec-Lon protease is required for the formation of a functionally active enzyme structure and for the implementation of protein-protein interactions.

Bacteriolytic Activity Of Human Interleukin-2, Chicken Egg Lysozyme In The Presence Of Potential Effectors
The bacteriolytic activity of interleukin-2 and chicken egg lysozyme in the presence of various substances has been studied. Glycine and lysine do not affect the activity of interleukin-2 but increase that of lysozyme, showing a bell-shape concentration dependence peaking at 1.5 mM glycine and 18 mM lysine. Arginine and glutamate activate both interleukin-2 and lysozyme with a concentration dependence of the saturation type. Aromatic amino acids have almost no effect on the activity of both interleukin-2 and lysozyme. Aromatic amines, tryptamine, and tyramine activate interleukin-2 but inhibit lysozyme. Peptide antibiotics affect interleukin and lysozyme similarly and exhibit maximum activity in the micromolar range of antibiotics. Taurine has no effect on the activity of interleukin-2 and lysozyme. Mildronate showed no influence on lysozyme, but it activated interleukin-2 with the activity maximum at 3 mM. EDTA activates both interleukin-2 and lysozyme at concentrations above 0.15 mM.

Comparing New-Generation Candidate Vaccines against Human Orthopoxvirus Infections
The lack of immunity to the variola virus in the population, increasingly more frequent cases of human orthopoxvirus infection, and increased risk of the use of the variola virus (VARV) as a bioterrorism agent call for the development of modern, safe vaccines against orthopoxvirus infections. We previously developed a polyvalent DNA vaccine based on five VARV antigens and an attenuated variant of the vaccinia virus (VACV) with targeted deletion of six genes (VACΔ6). Independent experiments demonstrated that triple immunization with a DNA vaccine and double immunization with VACΔ6 provide protection to mice against a lethal dose (10 LD50) of the ectromelia virus (ECTV), which is highly pathogenic for mice. The present work was aimed at comparing the immunity to smallpox generated by various immunization protocols using the DNA vaccine and VACΔ6. It has been established that immunization of mice with a polyvalent DNA vaccine, followed by boosting with recombinant VACΔ6, as well as double immunization with VACΔ6, induces production of VACV-neutralizing antibodies and provides protection to mice against a 150 LD50 dose of ECTV. The proposed immunization protocols can be used to develop safe vaccination strategies against smallpox and other human orthopoxvirus infections.

Low-Molecular-Weight NGF Mimetic Corrects the Cognitive Deficit and Depression-like Behavior in Experimental Diabetes
Based on the comorbidity of diabetes, depression, and dementia and recognizing that a deficiency of the nerve growth factor (NGF) is involved in all of these kinds of pathologies, we studied the effect of the mimetic of dimeric dipeptide NGF loop 4, GK-2, on a model of streptozotocin-induced type 2 diabetes in C57Bl/6 mice. GK-2 [hexamethylenediamide bis-(N-monosuccinyl-glutamyl-lysine)] was synthesized at the V.V. Zakusov Scientific Research Institute of Pharmacology. The study revealed the ability of GK-2 to ameliorate hyperglycemia induced by streptozotocine (STZ 100 mg/kg i.p.) in C57Bl/6 mice, to restore learning ability in the Morris Water Maze test, and to overcome depression after both intraperitoneal (0.5 mg/kg) and peroral (5 mg/kg) long-term administration. The presence of the listed properties and their preservation in the case of peroral treatment determines the prospects of research. Taking into account the previous findings on the ability of GK-2 to selectively activate PI3K/Akt, these data suggest that Akt-signaling is sufficient for pancreatic beta cell function. GK-2 has been shown to exhibit pronounced neuroprotective activity. The coexistence of neuroprotective and antidiabetic effects is in agreement with the fundamental concept holding that the function of neurons and pancreatic beta cells is controlled by similar mechanisms.