Analysis of the Mitochondrial Genome of a Novosvobodnaya Culture Representative using Next-Generation Sequencing and Its Relation to the Funnel Beaker Culture

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The Novosvobodnaya culture is known as a Bronze Age archaeological culture in the North Caucasus region of Southern Russia. It dates back to the middle of the 4th millennium B.C. and seems to have occurred during the time of the Maikop culture. There are now two hypotheses about the emergence of the Novosvobodnaya culture. One hypothesis suggests that the Novosvobodnaya culture was a phase of the Maikop culture, whereas the other one classifies it as an independent event based on the material culture items found in graves. Comparison between Novosvobodnaya pottery and Funnelbeaker (TRB) pottery from Germany has allowed researchers to suggest that the Novosvobodnaya culture developed under the influence of Indo-European culture. Nevertheless, the origin of the Novosvobodnaya culture remains a matter of debate. We applied next-generation sequencing to study ~5000-year-old human remains from the Klady kurgan grave in Novosvobodnaya stanitsa (now the Republic of Adygea, Russia). A total of 58,771,105 reads were generated using Illumina GAIIx with a coverage depth of 13.4х over the mitochondrial (mt) DNA genome. The mtDNA haplogroup affiliation was determined as V7, suggesting a role of the TRB culture in the development of the Novosvobodnaya culture and supporting the model of sharing between Novosvobodnaya and early Indo-European cultures.

About the authors

A. V. Nedoluzhko

National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”

Author for correspondence.

E. S. Boulygina

National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”


A. S. Sokolov

National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”


S. V. Tsygankova

National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”


N. M. Gruzdeva

National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”


A. D. Rezepkin

Institute for the History of Material Culture, Russian Academy of Sciences


E. B. Prokhortchouk

National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”; Center of Bioengineering, Russian Academy of Sciences



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Copyright (c) 2014 Nedoluzhko A.V., Boulygina E.S., Sokolov A.S., Tsygankova S.V., Gruzdeva N.M., Rezepkin A.D., Prokhortchouk E.B.

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