
A Novel Hybrid Promoter ARE-hTERT for Cancer Gene Therapy
Kalinichenko S.V., Shepelev M.V., Vikhreva P.N., Korobko I.V.
Cancer Specificity of Promoters of the Genes Involved in Cell Proliferation Control
Kashkin K.N., Chernov I.P., Stukacheva E.A., Kopantzev E.P., Monastyrskaya G.S., Uspenskaya N.Y., Sverdlov E.D.
Structural Features of the Telomerase RNA Gene in the Naked Mole Rat Heterocephalus glaber
Evfratov S.A., Smekalova E.M., Golovin A.V., Logvina N.A., Zvereva M.I., Dontsova O.A.
Regulation of PGC-1α Isoform Expression in Skeletal Muscles
Popov D.V., Lysenko E.A., Kuzmin I.V., Vinogradova O.L., Grigoriev A.I.
A Model System in S2 Cells to Test the Functional Activities of Drosophila Insulators
Tikhonov M.V., Gasanov N.B., Georgiev P.G., Maksimenko O.G.
1 - 5 of 5 Items

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