
Studying Signaling Pathway Activation in TRAIL-Resistant Macrophage-Like Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells
Lomovskaya Y.V., Krasnov K.S., Kobyakova M.I., Kolotova A.A., Ermakov A.M., Senotov A.S., Fadeeva I.S., Fetisova E.I., Lomovsky A.I., Zvyagina A.I., Akatov V.S., Fadeev R.S.
5'-Noraristeromycin Repurposing: Well-known S-Adenosyl-L-homocysteine Hydrolase Inhibitor As a Potential Drug Against Leukemia
Novikova O.N., Matyugina E.S., Gorshenin A.V., Velikorodnaya Y.I., Krengauz M.D., Vedernikova V.O., Spirin P.V., Prasolov V.S., Kochetkov S.N., Khandazhinskaya A.L.
The Role of TAL1 in Hematopoiesis and Leukemogenesis
Vagapova E.R., Spirin P.V., Lebedev T.D., Prassolov V.S.
Gene Expression upon Proliferation and Differentiation of Hematopoietic Cells with PH Chromosome ex vivo
Grineva N.I., Duchovenskay E.A., Timofeev A.M., Akhlynina T.V., Gerasimova L.P., Manakova T.E., Borovkova T.V., Schmarov D.A., Sarycheva N.G., Naydenova N.M., Gavrichkova A.R., Kolosova L.Y., Kolosheynova T.I., Kovaleva L.G.
Evolution of Tumor Clones in Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Smirnova S.Y., Sidorova Y.V., Ryzhikova N.V., Sychevskaya K.A., Parovichnikova E.N., Sudarikov A.B.
MicroRNAs in the Myelodysplastic Syndrome
Veryaskina Y.A., Titov S.E., Kovynev I.B., Fedorova S.S., Pospelova T.I., Zhimulev I.F.
ASIC1a Inhibitor mambalgin-2 Suppresses the Growth of Leukemia Cells by Cell Cycle Arrest
Bychkov M.L., Shulepko M.A., Vasileva V.Y., Sudarikova A.V., Kirpichnikov M.P., Lyukmanova E.N.
Establishment of a FDC-P1 murine cell line with human KIT N822K gene overexpression
Vagapova E.R., Lebedev T.D., Popenko V.I., Leonova O.G., Spirin P.V., Prasolov V.S.
Cell Regulation of Proliferation and Differentiation ex vivo for Cells Containing Ph Chromosome in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
Grineva N.I., Akhlynina T.V., Gerasimova L.P., Manakova T.E., Sarycheva N.G., Schmarov D.A., Tumofeev A.M., Nydenova N.M., Kolosova L.Y., Kolosheynova T.I., Kovaleva L.G., Kuznetsov S.V., Vorontsova A.V., Turkina A.G.
1 - 9 of 9 Items

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