
The Evolution of Targeted Radionuclide Diagnosis of HER2-Positive Breast Cancer
Bragina O.D., Deyev S.M., Chernov V.I., Tolmachev V.M.
Evaluation of HER2/neu Expression in Metastatic Axillary Lymph Node Tissue of Breast Cancer Patients Using [99mTc]Tc-(HE)3-G3
Bragina O.D., Tashireva L.A., Loos D.M., Vtorushin S.V., Shulga A.A., Konovalova E.N., Borodina M.E., Chernov V.I., Tolmachev V.M., Deyev S.M.
Apigenin Inhibits Growth of Breast Cancer Cells: The Role of ERα and HER2/neu
Scherbakov A.M., Andreeva O.E.
Spheroids of HER2-Positive Breast Adenocarcinoma for Studying Anticancer Immunotoxins In Vitro
Balalaeva I.V., Sokolova E.A., Puzhikhina A.D., Brilkina A.A., Deyev S.M.
A Novel Approach to Anticancer Therapy: Molecular Modules Based on the Barnase:Barstar Pair for Targeted Delivery of HSP70 to Tumor Cells
Sapozhnikov A.M., Klinkova A.V., Shustova O.A., Grechikhina M.V., Kilyachus M.S., Stremovskiy O.A., Kovalenko E.I., Deyev S.M.
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