
Dimeric Bis-Benzimidazole-Pyrroles DB2Py(n) – AT-Site-Specific Ligands: Synthesis, Physicochemical Analysis, and Biological Activity
Susova О.Y., Каrshieva S.S., Кostyukov А.А., Мoiseevа N.I., Zaytseva Е.А., Каlabina К.V., Zusinaite Е., Gildemann К., Smirnov N.М., Аrutyunyan А.F., Zhuze А.L.
Double-Stranded RNAs in Plant Protection Against Pathogenic Organisms and Viruses in Agriculture
Morozov S.Y., Solovyev A.G., Kalinina N.O., Taliansky M.E.
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Lectins As Targets for Novel Antibacterials
Grishin A.V., Krivozubov M.S., Karyagina A.S., Gintsburg A.L.
Testing Transgenic Aspen Plants with bar Gene for Herbicide Resistance under Semi-natural Conditions
Lebedev V.G., Faskhiev V.N., Kovalenko N.P., Shestibratov K.A., Miroshnikov A.I.
The EIMB Hydrogel Microarray Technology: Thirty Years Later
Gryadunov D.A., Shaskolskiy B.L., Nasedkina T.V., Rubina A.Y., Zasedatelev A.S.
Infectious plant diseases: etiology, current status, problems and prospects in plant protection
Nazarov P.A., Baleev D.N., Ivanova M.I., Sokolova L.M., Karakozova M.V.
Development of antimicrobial therapy methods to overcome the antibiotic resistance of Acinetobacter baumannii
Kisil O.V., Efimenko T.A., Gabrielyan N.I., Efremenkova O.V.
Genetic Variability of the AcrAB-TolC Multidrug Efflux Pump Underlies SkQ1 Resistance in Gram-Negative Bacteria
Nazarov P.A., Kotova E.A., Skulachev V.P., Antonenko Y.N.
1 - 8 of 8 Items

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