Targeted Therapy: A New Approach for the Treatment of Locally Advanced Oropharyngeal Cancer

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Presented herein is a clinical study comprising 48 patients (42 men and 6 women) of working age (40-70 years), all of whom are suffering from locally advanced oropharyngeal cancer. A modern approach is applied to treat these patients, i.e., neoadjuvant targeted therapy, taking into account the biological profile of the tumor. The use of gefitinib causes an antitumor effect in 90.5% of cases as opposed to 56.5% when no drug is applied.

About the authors

L. Z. Velsher

Moscow State Medical and Dental University; Cancer Center JSC "RZD"


A. A. Kosmynin

Moscow State Medical and Dental University

Author for correspondence.

M. Yu. Byakhov

Moscow State Medical and Dental University; Cancer Center JSC "RZD"


T. K. Duditskaya

Moscow State Medical and Dental University; Cancer Center JSC "RZD"


D. N. Reshetov

Moscow State Medical and Dental University; Cancer Center JSC "RZD"



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Copyright (c) 2012 Velsher L.Z., Kosmynin A.A., Byakhov M.Y., Duditskaya T.K., Reshetov D.N.

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