
Genome Characterization of Two Novel Lactococcus lactis Phages vL_296 and vL_20A
Chuksina T.A., Fatkulin A.A., Sorokina N.P., Smykov I.T., Kuraeva E.V., Masezhnaya E.S., Smagina K.A., Shkurnikov M.Y.
Visualization of Nucleic Acids in Micro- and Nanometer-Scale Biological Objects Using Analytical Electron Microscopy
Sokolova O.S., Trifonova T.S., Derkacheva N.I., Moiseenko A.V.
Comparative Analysis of Spacer Targets in CRISPR-Cas Systems of Starter Cultures
Fatkulin A.A., Chuksina T.A., Sorokina N.P., Smykov I.T., Kuraeva E.V., Masezhnaya E.S., Smagina K.A., Shkurnikov M.Y.
Bacteriophage MS2 As a Tool for Targeted Delivery in Solid Tumor Chemotherapy
Kolesanova E.F., Melnikova M.V., Bolshakova T.N., Rybalkina E.Y., Sivov I.G.
Development of antimicrobial therapy methods to overcome the antibiotic resistance of Acinetobacter baumannii
Kisil O.V., Efimenko T.A., Gabrielyan N.I., Efremenkova O.V.
Ecological Basis for Rational Phage Therapy
Letarov A.V., Golomidova A.K., Tarasyan K.K.
Dual Active Site in the Endolytic Transglycosylase gp144 of Bacteriophage phiKZ
Chertkov O.V., Armeev G.A., Uporov I.V., Legotsky S.A., Sykilinda N.N., Shaytan A.K., Klyachko N.L., Miroshnikov K.A.
The Contribution of Ribosomal Protein S1 to the Structure and Function of Qβ Replicase
Kutlubaeva Z.S., Chetverina Е.V., Chetverin A.B.
1 - 8 of 8 Items

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