Letter from Editors
- Authors: Acta Naturae -
- Issue: Vol 4, No 4 (2012)
- Pages: 1-1
- Section: Short communications
- Submitted: 26.02.2020
- Accepted: 26.02.2020
- Published:
- URL: https://actanaturae.ru/2075-8251/article/view/10894
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.32607/20758251-2012-4-4-1-1
- ID: 10894
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Dear readers, We would like to bring you the fifteenth, and this year’s last, issue of Acta Naturae. As always, the issue begins with the Forum section containing three articles. One of them–Made in Russia–is devoted to the State Program “Development of Pharmaceutical and Medical Industries” that is awaiting passage. According to the program, the share of domestically produced drugs and medicinal products in the total volume of drugs consumed should considerably increase. However, the term “domestically produced drugs” still remains to be defined. In the publication, actors in the Russian Pharmaceutical industry exchange opinions about the issue. The remaining two publications are comments made by corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.I. T setlin and A.N. Tomilin on the awarding of the 2012 Nobel Prizes in chemistry to professors R. Lefkowitz and B. Kobilka for their research into G protein-conjugated receptors and the Nobel Prize in Medicine to J. Gurdon and S. Yamanaka for the discovery of the possibility of reprogramming differentiated cells to pluripotent cells. The findings of the laureates in these paramount and extremely interesting fields of study have been deservedly appreciated by the world scientific community. The research section of the issue consists of reviews and research articles. The subject area of the reviews is rather broad: from physicochemical biology to population genetics. We believe these reviews are devoted to topical questions and will be interesting to many readers. Six research articles also embrace a broad range of disciplines: bioorganic chemistry (E.S. Matyugina et al.), bionanotechnologies (Yu.M. Yevdokimov et al.), molecular biology (E.N. Lyukmanova et al.), and cell biology (A.V. Golovin et al.). The subject area of the study by A.M. Ziganshin et al. is relatively new (the scientific foundations of waste processing in the agricultural sector). We deem such a broad range of studies typical of Acta Naturae useful, since it allows readers to learn something new from research areas that usually go unnoticed because of lack of time. We would also like to draw the conclusions of the year 2012. It is in this very year that our journal has achieved its first success in international recognition by appearing in PubMed. Let us jointly do our best to further increase the authority of Асta Naturae. Happy New 2013 Year to our dear colleagues and readers!
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