Acta Naturae publishes experimental articles and reviews, as well as articles on problems in science, mini reviews, and short communications devoted to the most pressing questions of fundamental and applied life sciences and biotechnology. The editors of Acta Naturae request that authors follow the guidelines listed below. Articles submitted without following these rules will be returned to the authors without consideration. The article should not exceed 20 А4-sized pages. This includes text, table, bibliography, and figure captions. There should be no more than six figures and tables. Larger articles are accepted only with prior agreement from the editors. Short communications should not exceed eight A4-sized pages, including text, tables, bibliography (no more than 12 sources), and figures, the number of which should not exceed four, including designations. Each figure should be accompanied by captions, irrespective of whether or not it is described in the text. The manuscript should be sent in one file in agreement with the requirements below. It should be signed by all authors and sent to the editors in an electronic version. If the file is large, use a .ZIP archiver. A CD-ROM can also be used. Formating the Man uscripts The manuscript should be constructed in the following way: · The UDC should be in the left top corner, usually with a font size of 12. · The title: Header font, semiboldface. The title should neither be too long nor too short and uninformative. It should reflect the most important result, the essence of the article, and any breakthroughs or discoveries. · The initials and last names of the authors.