The Pharmaceutical Industry in Russia: Reality and Prospects
- Authors: Gordeev AI1
- Fund «Open Economics»
- Issue: Vol 1, No 3 (2009)
- Pages: 6-9
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 17.01.2020
- Published: 15.12.2009
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 10742
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This section “Forum” is about the pharmaceutical industry in Russia. We were encouraged to debate this topic after the unveiling of the Strategy of Development of the Pharmaceutical Industry in the Russian Federation developed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. The majority of our experts, who are authorities in the federal government, business, academia, and industrial science, believe that Russia needs a fully developed pharmaceutical industry. What are the main arguments for an intensive development of a Russian pharmaceutical industry- In our opinion, there are four major reasons.
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1. National Sec urit y According to the majority of our experts, the provision of national security is one of the most important arguments underpinning the necessity to develop a domestic pharmaceutical industry. Most importantly, it will serve to provide the country with pharmaceutical drugs in case of an emergency. It is, indeed, a very important point; we need to remember, however, that our pharmaceutical industry can provide simple drugs for our people no matter the situation. According to statistical data and inquiries of leading clinics, provided by STR, the share of Russian-made drugs on the market is about 70 %; we need to mention, however, that Russian companies have a tendency to use foreign-made raw materials instead of domestic ones. It is true that we produce hardly any cutting-edge or very innovative drugs, but that is not a crucial factor of national security in case of a natural or military disaster. However, national security has not only a military and political dimention, but also an economical one. Import-substitution, especially when there is instability in foreign currency markets, is an obvious priority of the state’s social policy, because it is directly related to basic constitutional values.×
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