“Green” Nanotechnologies: Synthesis of Metal Nanoparticles Using Plants
- Authors: Makarov VV1,2, Love A.J.3, Sinitsyna O.V.2,4, Makarova S.S.2,5, Yaminsky I.V.2,6, Taliansky M.E.2,3, Kalinina N.O.1,2
- Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University
- Advanced Technologies Center
- The James Hutton Institute, Invergowrie, Dundee
- Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds
- Department of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University
- Department of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University
- Issue: Vol 6, No 1 (2014)
- Pages: 35-44
- Section: Reviews
- Submitted: 17.01.2020
- Published: 15.03.2014
- URL: https://actanaturae.ru/2075-8251/article/view/10554
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.32607/20758251-2014-6-1-35-44
- ID: 10554
Cite item
While metal nanoparticles are being increasingly used in many sectors of the economy, there is growing interest in the biological and environmental safety of their production. The main methods for nanoparticle production are chemical and physical approaches that are often costly and potentially harmful to the environment. The present review is devoted to the possibility of metal nanoparticle synthesis using plant extracts. This approach has been actively pursued in recent years as an alternative, efficient, inexpensive, and environmentally safe method for producing nanoparticles with specified properties. This review provides a detailed analysis of the various factors affecting the morphology, size, and yield of metal nanoparticles. The main focus is on the role of the natural plant biomolecules involved in the bioreduction of metal salts during the nanoparticle synthesis. Examples of effective use of exogenous biomatrices (peptides, proteins, and viral particles) to obtain nanoparticles in plant extracts are discussed.
About the authors
V V Makarov
Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Advanced Technologies Center
Author for correspondence.
Email: kalinina@genebee.msu.ru
A. J. Love
The James Hutton Institute, Invergowrie, Dundee
Email: kalinina@genebee.msu.ru
O. V. Sinitsyna
Advanced Technologies Center; Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds
Email: kalinina@genebee.msu.ru
S. S. Makarova
Advanced Technologies Center; Department of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Email: kalinina@genebee.msu.ru
I. V. Yaminsky
Advanced Technologies Center; Department of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Email: kalinina@genebee.msu.ru
M. E. Taliansky
Advanced Technologies Center; The James Hutton Institute, Invergowrie, Dundee
Email: kalinina@genebee.msu.ru
N. O. Kalinina
Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Advanced Technologies Center
Email: kalinina@genebee.msu.ru
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